
Monday 23 July 2012

DIY: How to Create Water Marbled Nails

I've been eying up the water marbling technique on fingernails for quite some time now! Like a lot of nail designs, I thought... hmmm, only in the salon am I going to get this look... WRONG!!! You can actually do it at home, using inexpensive nail polishes... look at that, saving money!! Boy, I'm getting good at this, I really think I should get a reward from my man for this, believe me, it's been hard!!!

When your marbleizing your nails, keep in mind that it will turn out different with each colour combination. Try it with different colours to see which look works the best for you! It's weird the difference in the swirls with the colour combos! You would be surprised!!

Just an FYI: This is going to take awhile. Because the nail polish dries rather quickly and you have to work pretty quick, you can only do one or two fingers at a time after you are done the base coats.

What you need:
Base Coat
White nail polish (or whatever colour you want underneath)
2 colors of your choice
Clear Top Coat

Cup full of room temperature water
Toothpick or woodstick
Q-tips or Cotton Swabs
Nail Polish Remover

What you do:
First you are going to apply your base coat. Apply a thin layer of your favourite base coat. Once your base coat is dry, apply two coats of your white (or whatever colour you want underneath) polish. Apply one coat, allow to dry, then apply another. The colors you choose to do the design with, will appear more vibrant by adding the two coats of white. I saw white because I like to do mine with white underneath, I haven't done it with any other colours yet, although I have seen lots of other nails with different vibrant colours! Ahhh can't wait to try different colours!!

Tape off the perimeter of your nails so that the polish wont seep onto your skin. If you want you can do one nail at a time, it's easier that way. Tape a nail, do the design, and then proceed to do the rest of your nails. It's hard to work with a bunch of taped up fingers, trust me!

Fill up a plastic cup or container with water that is room temperature. Open 2 nail polishes (or more, depending how many colours you want in your swirls, I recommend starting with less colours to get used to it). Grab your toothpick or wood stick and get it ready.

Start with one color and drop a drop of polish into the cup, dabbing the brush on the top of the water so a blob of polish spreads out really thin. It will look very sheer. Quickly take the next colour of polish and drop that into the center of the color you just dropped. Keep going back and forth between colours (or with different colours) until it looks like rings.

Remember: You MUST work quickly for this to work! The nail polish has to be wet for this to work. You might have to try it a few times before you get it right and figure out just how quickly you have to move. I quit the first time... I got discouraged big time... but the second time I picked it up I did it just fine! So if I can do it, you can do it!

Once you have the desired amount of polish take your toothpick and swirl it in the polish rings to create a cool design. Take your taped finger and quickly lay your finger down on the part of the design you like and then dip it in the water so that your whole nail is submerged.
While your nail is still in the water, take your toothpick and carefully clean the water by swirling the toothpick in it collecting all the extra polish. Pull out your nail and remove the tape. Clean up the edges of your fingers with a  q-tip or cotton swab. Allow your nail to dry for at least 4 minutes and then apply a top coat. Once done repeat on the rest of your nails. You obviously will find the best technique that works for you.

Like I said before... it does take patience (I'm surprised I can even sit through this... but my nails are one thing that I do have the patience for) and you might not get it on your first or second try... keep at it, you will. I promise!!! And the time it takes to do your nails is definitely worth the compliments you will get!

xOx - L

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DIY: Customized Makeup Brushes!!!

Feeling crafty and you just need to paint something? I get that urge... a lot! So I looked around the house in search of what I could find. I have a lot of makeup brushes... mostly for my eyes, a few bigger ones for blush. But I'm definitely an eye shadow kind of girl, always wearing different bright colours, resulting in having a few brushes, most of them being plain white. As you can see from the pics below, they aren't new... I just grabbed the brushes that I have now, they are good brushes that last awhile. And it's definitely time to dress these bad girls up!

I see a lot of awesome printed make up brushes in the store, but of course, they are rather expensive and something I won't spend a lot of money on. So lets just see what these hands can do!

I'm sure all your friends will ask where you bought 'em. :) They'll be asking you to make them some too after you tell them your little secret... You made them yourself! FYI: If you want to do this and you don't have brushes or if you are doing this for a gift for your bestie, the Dollarama has brushes and they work great!!

What you need:
Wooden Makeup Brushes
Sanding Block
Craft/Acrylic Paint
Paint Brushes

What you do:
Sand down the handles of the brush to roughen them up so the paint sticks to the surface better!

Paint on your base coat and let dry.

If your brushes need another coat, add a second!

Once your base coat(s) completely dry it's time to get creative and paint pretty designs on them! Or you can just leave them the one colour! Have fun with it! Be colourful or go for the black and white look!! I'm not the best free hander ... but I did it anyway! I was gonna get out the tape... but thought it a little too much if it's just for me!!

Definitely makes me like doing my makeup all the more better in the morning with my pretty new brushes! 

xOx - L

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DIY Lamp Ideas... What's Hot!

Lamps seem to be a very common thing that us DIY'ers LOVE to create and tackle! They are also a great place to start if you are just beginning or if you don't know what to do. 

We have all those ugly glass covers on our lights. I mean, they all aren't ugly, don't get me wrong. Some are soooo super nice and soooo super expensive... not ours. They are just ugly. I don't care if I live in an apartment, I am definitely tackling them someday... I guess depending how much longer we live here.. lol, we will see.

But I definitely fell in love with this Paper mache lamp! Paper mache is coming back huge! I haven't done that for years... since I was a kid and we used to do it in elementary school. You can do this lamp with a balloon and of course, paper mache. I do like the paper mache idea... but I also like a lot of others too.... thank god we have a lot of lights in the house!! hehe

The fabulous coloured lamps in the picture above are made from various coloured straws (with the scoop) and plastic plates and cups believe it or not!! I think it's kick @ss and would be perfect to brighten up any room!!! So save all your plastic plates and spoons from your parties then next time you have one!! Start your collection... or just go buy them, but it might cost a bit!

LOL I think the only place this lamp would look good would be in the kitchen... but it's different no doubt.

Have a few spare decks of cards laying around that you got for Christmas that you don't want... Make this card ball lamp shade! I think it would require A LOT of patience... so this one isn't for me! But it sure does look cool eh..

Oh the Tong Lamp, how I love thee!! If you have a bunch of geometrically shaped scraps of wood... why don't you think about making one of these... they look amazing!! They don't have to be this tall either, make it a smaller box, maybe a square (although I love the long ones). Get a source & power cord from Ikea or your local hardware store, a light diffuser and a compact fluorescent bulb. 

This lamp is made from.... can you guess it??...

An extension cord! I honestly, didn't know that until I read it!! :)

xOx - L

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Sunday 22 July 2012

DIY: Vintage Key Frame

Don't know where to hang your keys? Or don't like what you have now? Make a vintage frame into a key holder! This would even make a wonderful house warming gift for your friends... or kids!

If you don't have old frames around your house, ask your parents. I am ALWAYS on the look out for stuff like this at all times... just in case for quick projects like this. Thank god for storage! Although it's getting awfully full! LOL

What you need:
Screw Hooks
Screw Driver
Paint - If need be, colour of choice

What you do:
Paint your frame the colour of your choice. Rub some off for the vintage look. It would also be cool if you did the faux metallic (with the tin foil)... or just buy the metallic paint, it's just expensive I find!

Drill holes into the frame (size to match your screws). After holes are drilled, screw in each hook. And your done!

Easy as pie and looks great! Mount it to your wall and put your keys in there! Or wrap it up as a gift!

xOx - L

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Make your Kids Their Own Craft Supplies!! 6 DIY Recipes!

If you have a kid or two running around your place... then this post is for you! I was sitting here thinking of what to do with my niece when I watch her... and I was stumped, so I called a friend who gave me ALL sorts of great ideas. FYI: I have no kids. So if you have your kiddo's home for the summer throughout the week, or even just have to entertain them on the weekends because they are in Daycare... whatever... it's summer!

Have some fun with some of these home made recipes... Some might be than others!! But all in all, the kids will have fun! And I'm sure you will too! Keeping in mind... the kids (depending on their age) are only going to be using the stuff... you Mom or Dad or sister... or babysitter, or in my case Aunt... are going to be the one making it!

The great thing about these supplies is they are non-toxic, all natural which is excellent since its kids that will mostly be using them!

Sidewalk Paint

Food Coloring - Liquid
Hot water
Small bowls (one for each colour)
Bottles or Containers (one for each colour)

Pour a 1/4 cup of corn starch into each bowl and then add a 1/4 cup of water into each bowl. Add 6-9 drop of food coloring, and stir until it is completely blended. Pour each colour into it's own bottle or container to store it. If the paint has sat awhile and started to separate, shake it up really good before using, it will be fine.

Watercolour Paint

Baking soda
White vinegar
Light corn syrup
Food coloring

Note: If you don't have cornstarch you can boil 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water until clear and use that!

What you do
Combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda, cornstarch and vinegar (3 tbsp each) and add 1 1/2 teaspoons of Cornstarch. Once the fizzing subsides from the mixture, stir it until it's well mixed. Pour the mixture into container (you can get a paint tray at the arts and crafts or dollar store or you can use a plastic egg carton or whatever you can come up with) and add the food colouring. Make sure you add the food coloring right away, as the paint starts to solidify almost immediately. Once mixed, leave them out to harden for at least three hours before use.

Finger Paint

Supplies needed
1 cup of cornstarch
3 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of cold water
Food coloring or Natural dyes

What you do
Combine all ingredients except food coloring in a medium saucepan and mix well. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened, for approximately 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Divide into separate containers and add food coloring. Keep in mind that this homemade recipe for finger paints works best when it's used right away. So use it up the first time!!!


1/4 cup of salt
1/2 teaspoon of food coloring - Must be liquid
Baking Sheet
Tin Foil

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix salt and food coloring in a small bowl until the salt is fully coloured. Spread the mixture out in an even layer on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Allow to dry before using! If mixing different colours, mix in separate bowls. You can separate it on the baking sheet or bake at separate times. Store in air tight container. Your homemade glitter will last for months!

Paper Mache or Craft Paste 

1/4 cup of salt
1 cup of flour
1 quart of water
Jar or Container to put the mixture in

What to do 
Boil one quart of water in a saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in the salt. Gradually add the flour, stirring constantly to prevent it from lumping. Stir until the mixture is the consistency of thick gravy. You may need to add a little more flour or water to achieve the desired result. Allow the mixture to cool before using it. You can use the paste immediately or store it in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Paper Glue 

What you need 
1/2 cup of cornstarch (cooked and stirred)
1 1/2 cups of water
4 tablespoons of Light corn syrup (or 1 sugar 1/2 cup water, boiled until clear)
2 teaspoons of White vinegar

What you do
Combine 4 tablespoons of light corn syrup, 2 teaspoons of white vinegar and 1 cup of water in a saucepan and mix over medium heat until thickened. Once thick, remove the mixture from the heat. In another dish mix together 1/2 cup cornstarch with 1/2 cup water and add it to the other heated ingredients. Stir well until blended. Put it in a container and it's ready to use! Use this glue immediately after making or you can keep it in the fridge for up to about 2 months or so. It's good for any craft that require transparent glue... like cards or scrapbooking.

So, surprise your kids with some paint and have some fun today... or whenever you can! Or make some glitter or paper mache for yourself!! Enjoy!!

xOx - L

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Friday 20 July 2012

DIY Bracelets... Made from Plastic Bottles

Like a lot of people, we can't drink our water. Well, we probably could BUT we don't! And I drink a lot of water. I have to get a new Brita, so in the mean time we have been buying bottles again... and they build up cuz I don't throw them in the garbage... but only get down to recycling every so often. So I started thinking of WTH I could do with them!

One being: Bracelets! My hands are quite tiny and so are my wrists so a normal size water bottle fits perfectly over my hand and on my wrist. For someone with a bigger wrist, use a bigger water bottle... that way, you can cut it down and size it to fit (I'll show ya how)!

Accessories are a huge part of ones outfit... they really can make... or break an outfit. But summertime is all about fun and bright colours... so, lets accessorize baby!

You Need:
Plastic bottle - Preferably a big one... unless you have tiny hands and wrists!!
Buttons, Ribbons or Lace for decoration (if you like)
Duct Tape or Wide Masking or Painters Tape
X-acto Knife
Hot Glue Gun

What you do:
Take your duct tape and wrap it around the plastic bottle cutting it off when the ends meet.

Carefully cut into the bottle along the edges of the tape. Do this to both sides, cutting out the "bracelet".

If you have a small wrist and are using the small bottle, you can skip this next step. I'm using a small bottle this time, so there will be no pictures of this next part.

Put the bottle "bracelet" on your wrist. Too big? If so, which it most likely is since you are using a bigger bottle, then you are going to cut the plastic bracelet with scissors. Measure the desired size directly on your hand, cut the extra piece off and then secure the ends of the bracelet with the duct tape, making it a bracelet again... this time one that fits!

Now we are going to wrap the entire bracelet in duct tape two to three times. Making sure the edges are covered. This way, the bracelet won't melt from the glue... and the edges won't be sharp! I didn't cover the whole inside, just the edges.

If you are working with an elastic fabric, pull it gently in length stretching it before gluing. This way the edges curl and won't be seen. And it leaves a great texture for your bracelet!

Apply hot glue where the fabric is going to start to wrap around the bracelet. You don't need much glue. Stick the fabric down and press gently sticking the fabric, but making sure you don't squish the bottle!

Glue fabric down and wrap the bracelet with the fabric by going around and around the bracelet until it's covered.

Once you have wrapped the entire bracelet with fabric, apply glue to the bottle and glue the end piece of fabric down. Try to wrap the end around so it's inside the bracelet and can't be seen!

If you want to add lace, ribbons, buttons or anything else you have in mind... giver!

The great thing about a plastic bottle bracelet is ... you can get a few bracelets out of a bottle! So grab your fabric and a bottle and start to accessorize!!

xOx - L

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A Couple DIY Shoe Rack/Holder Ideas.... Ahhhh Shoes!!!

I LOVE SHOES!!!!! I say that with all caps because I mean it. I LOVE them. With the bottom of my heart! Shoes and purses. Ahhh!

Well, with a lot of shoes... comes a lot of space to have to put them. So we have to use our space efficiently. I know I have a lot of shoes, I can go count, but I don't want too... and half of them are in storage bins at my boyfriends Moms house! We live in an apartment so space really is limited. But you gotta make the most of what you got... or get rid of some shoes... and that's probably not gonna happen, not in my case anyways!

You can always make the tulip shoe tree!! It doesn't hold many shoes, but it sure is cute!

If you are a heel girl like me... this here is a wicked idea to put crown molding on the wall and hang your shoes there! It's a good wall filler if you are drawing a blank!!! It would also be a nice space saver for in the closet if you have room above the coats.

Is your front door crowded with shoes! Your hubby's shoes, your kids shoes, their friends shoes! I remember when I used to live at my parents, our shoes (and half the neighbourhoods) would be all over right at the front door and she used to get so frustrated! LOL... Now I totally understand how she felt, but back then, I just didn't care! Sorry Mom. I love you! This drain pipe shoe rack would have came in handy back then eh?

If you have an idea, post it here!! Mine are just in one of those ugly boring fabric shoe holders that hangs from the closet... It hold a lot of shoes, but it isn't the prettiest. I guess that's why it goes in the closet. But I was thinking, I might cover it with a piece of fabric or something. That way it won't be such an eye sore. Good idea Linds!!! Add it to the book! lol

xOx - L

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Thursday 19 July 2012

Make a Toothpaste Saver!

We lost out toothpaste saver... just poof... disappeared! Along with a few other things in our place. It's weird. We both say we never move things... and there they are gone. We spend hours looking for things. Sometimes finding them in the weirdest places... but lately, things aren't re-appearing. Like our darn toothpaste saver!

Anyway, instead of heading out into the deadly heat to hit up the Dollarama, I decided to get creative and make my own! I don't know how long it will last... we will see; although I'm sure I will pick one up from the store at some point... but if I keep forgetting, which I normally do... it will make do until I remember to buy one!

All you need is Q-tips (2) and Elastics (2)... Elastics don't need to look pretty, whether they are rubber bands or little hair elastics, either will work.

To make this little gadget all you have to do is place one Q-tip on the top of the toothpaste tube and one Q-tip on the bottom of the tube and tightly secure the ends together with the elastic.

You have to make sure it's on tightly because as you use the toothpaste, you slide it down pressing the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube up to the top... always giving you the best squeeze every time!!

xOx - L

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Turning Drawers in to Shelves!

So my boyfriend comes home with two drawers in the back of his truck last week. When I seen that he didn't have any thing else... like a stand or a dresser, I realized... I think he has a project in mind.

Yup, I hit that nail on the head! I asked him what they were for. He said you hunny! hahaha! Too funny, I don't effin' want them! Just another thing to add to "Lindsay's F'n List of Things To Do". He wanted me to make him "drawer shelves" because I mentioned them once before. He had them stuck in his head. So since I love him Oh So Much, I decided I would make them for him... you know, for his "Man Cave".  So they sat there, taking up space, until I just couldn't look at them anymore. They have to be done, they have to get out my space and in to his. You know you love someone when you do their shelves before your t.v. stand...and ALLLLLL your other projects... LOL

These are just ordinary drawers, they look like they were from a desk. I believe Kev found them on the side of the road on good garbage day to tell you the truth... Hey now, nothing wrong with that... have you ever seen what rich people put on their curbs? Man, I'm telling ya, sometimes you can find real gems!

So I got out my trusty tool set and went to work removing the handle and the side sliders from both of the drawers.

If there are any holes, fill them with wood. If you are going to be connecting your drawers to attach the shelves later, you can leave two of the holes in the front (where the drawer handles used to be) to attach them after you are done painting. I didn't know what we were doing with it yet... so I just decided to fill all the holes and deal with it later.

Yup, I'm messy, I know!! lol

Once the wood filler is dry, it's time to sand. Sand the drawers where you are going to paint to roughen them up so the paint sticks better... and sand the wood filler where the holes were making it nice and smooth and even, you don't want to see them when you paint!

I decided not to paint the whole drawer, so I taped off some edges before painting. Tape any edges off before painting if need be. Make sure the tape is tightly pressed down on the edges, you don't want the paint to leak. If you did a base coat first and want to do some fine edge work, tape the edges and paint over the edge of the tape with the colour of the base coat. Let it dry and then paint your second coat. The base coat seals the tape and gives it a lot less chance of seepage.

And it was time to paint. Woo hoo! I decided on black because it will match all the other shelves in his room. After the first coat was done and dry, I gave it a second coat. Looking at it, I knew I definitely didn't need a third coat, so before the paint was dry, I peeled off all of the painters tape. The paint peels and sucks real bad if you leave the tape and remove it when the paint is dry... trust me... I know from previous experiences, LOL.

I was going to put a stencil in the background of Kev's fav show SOA (Sons of Anarchy), but he saw the shelves and he decided he wanted them now... and he said quote unquote "people aren't going to see them anyway, what's it matter what it's got on em".... MEN (well most of them)! They just don't understand!!!!!

So... I did a final coat of protector/sealant on the shelves, a little saddened that I didn't get to do the stenciling might I add, but only for a short minute, on to the next project that's been waiting for awhile... my t.v. stand.

Before Kevin could take them for his "Man Cave" I decided to decorate them just a little bit... you know, so they didn't look so bland for my pictures! Yay Me! I'm learning! LOL

xOx - L

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Wednesday 18 July 2012

DIY: Make a Mini Notebook

Another fetish of mine is note books. I'm constantly writing notes or jotting things down. We always browse down the note book aisle at the Dollarama... and of course, I get one pretty much every time. I almost have too many... but there is never "too many" in my world.

This is a great notebook cuz it's small and it will fit right in my smallest purse. I need to have an on the go book for those random thoughts that I get when I'm out... or if I remember I need something. Then there is the "dedicated notes" note book that we use to write each other quick back and forth notes! Cute I know.... but they aren't always lovey dovey... most of the time it's more like "clean this, or get this while you are out". haha okay, and back on track I go.

One of the good things about making these note pads is if you use a big enough cereal box... and your note books are a smaller size (like these ones) you can usually get a couple note books out of one box. So make a few while you are at it! Keep them for yourself, or give them away to your friends as gifts, they really are quite cute once they are done... and they don't take too long to finish either!

Materials you will need:
Cereal or Oatmeal Box
Paper (white or lined, whichever you prefer)
Needle & Embroidery Thread or Thread (I like thicker for this, you can see it better)
Decorative Paper

What you do:
Take your cereal box and cut it so it's flat. Use your ruler and measure out the size of the note book. I did mine 8.5" by 6", but you can do yours whatever size you like, whether it's smaller, or bigger. If you are using a big cereal box, you can get two or three note books, so you might as well do a couple while you are at it! Once you are done, cut out your piece(s).

Fold your cut out in half so the blank cardboard is outward.

Next, sew your button about halfway down on the edge of the front of your note book. Make your thread longer so you can use it to wrap around and close your note book.

Trace the outline of your note book on to a piece of paper and glue it on the inside of your notebook to cover up the cereal packaging. You can use plain white paper if you like. I decided to use coloured paper since I was using blank white paper for the inside already... I wanted some colour in there to brighten up my day! :)

Take the paper that you are filling your note book up with and cut it so it's a little bit smaller than the outline of your book. If you want, you can glue the bottom and top sheets to the note book, but you don't have too.

Now, take your embroidery thread and needle and stitch the paper to your note book down the centre spine. And don't worry about the mess on the back, we are going to cover it anyway with the spine!!

Cut out a sheet of decorative paper to go on the front and back spine of your note book. Glue it on with glue (just a tip, glue both the cardboard and the paper, it sticks MUCH better that way).

Yay! Finished!! Now you got yourself a cute new notebook to take to work or class... or if you are like me, in your purse, by your bed, in the bathroom... lol, you never know where or when you are going to think of something that you don't want to forget!!!

Check back for more cool things to make out of recycled goods!!

xOx - L

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