Thursday 21 June 2012

Recipe in a Jar

I just broke in to a jar of these on the weekend and thought I'd share with you since I'm new here a Recipe in a Jar! You can do so many different things with this great gift idea! From food to baking to teas!

Here's what you will need:
Jar (Preferably one with a tight seal lid)
Baking ingredients (Whatever recipe you choose)
Measuring Cup
Paper or a Card (To write the recipe on, or you can do it on the PC)

Here's what you do:
Measure out all of the ingredients one by one and place them into the jar one at a time, making them into layers. If there are different colours of ingredients, make them in a nice looking pattern!

Once you have all of the ingredients in the jar, before you seal it with a lid, take a piece of fabric and place it under the lid, giving the jar a little decoration! Seal your creation with lid.

You can either type out or write out the ingredients and instructions on how to make whats in the jar! Tie on the instructions with a ribbon or yarn and it's ready to give to that loved one of yours!

Whats the saying... love and food.. I dunno.. LOL. but you get the point!

Although I don't want to even say the word right now, these make great Christmas presents!!

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