Thursday, 12 July 2012

Quick DIY Corkboard N' Felt Coasters..

I have soooo many sets of coasters it's not even funny. Some would say I hoard them... others would say it's a collection. I like to go with collection, lol. Today Kev got a good laugh at me today when he asked what I was doing this time. I looked up at him and smiled... he just shook his head... just goes to show you how often I make coasters and that we have a few too many!!

I like them so much because they are sooooo quick and easy to make. They are great for everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Heck, you can throw a lit candle on them!

These coasters in particular are great for outside on the balcony or the deck!

What you need:
Thin Cork Board
Fabric Glue (you can use hot glue, I did)
x-acto knife

What you do:
Once you have all your supplies gathered, measure out 4x4 squares on your cork board. I only did 2. One for Kev and one for me, but I could have did a whole whack of them with one square. By the way, you can get 2 sheets at the Dollarama for $1, no more than $1.50. They go a long way!

Cut out the squares with your x-acto knife. It might take you two cuts, be patient. Sometimes cork board isn't the easiest to work with.

Once your squares are cut out, you can start to cut designs out using your x-acto knife. If you aren't comfortable free hand cutting, draw where you want to cut on the cork board with your pen first. Just a tip: it's hard to cut in circular patterns, I stick to straight lines! Once you have all your designs cut out, brush off the bottom, top and inside the cuttings to get rid of any excess pieces. 

Trace the cork board squares on to the felt pieces and cut out. If you want you can cut the felt pieces a little bigger to have it hang over the edges half inch or something. I like mine to be even.

In my case, I heat up my glue gun and layered glue on the bottom side of the coaster. I stuck the piece of felt on it and pressed it tight, smoothing out the felt.

Let them dry and they are ready to use!!

Like I said... perfect for the balcony!!

xOx - L

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